New Book — Mary, Untier of Knots

Full book cover for "Mary, Untier of Knots: A Modern Novena for Catholics, Anglicans, and All Kinds of Seekers" by William Ingle-Gillis

Published today! My new book, “Mary, Untier of Knots: A Modern Novena for Catholics, Anglicans, and All Kinds of Seekers”. English version only at the moment. Spanish will be coming soon.

Get it here:

Nine days of simple, dedicated prayer to help us open the doorway to change and hope — whether you are new to praying with beads or an old hand, whether you are Catholic or Anglican or just seeking out possibilities. In this book, the Rev’d Dr. William Ingle-Gillis offers a novena to Mary, Untier of Knots, in modern, easy-to-use language and formatted specifically so that beginners in particular can simply “pray straight through” without distractions with either the traditional Catholic rosary or the lesser-known Anglican version.

This novena to Mary, Untier (or Undoer) of Knots, invites us to reflect upon the tangled-up nature of our very human problems, both those of our own making and those not of our creation, and especially those things that we just do not know how to put right. It then encourages us to seek out heavenly companionship as we look for redemption, and to ask simply and plainly, in hope and trust (or even possibly in simple desperation), that God will hear and somehow act to undo them.

Rooted in a devotional practice inspired by a famous 17th century German painting, and made especially popular in recent times by Pope Francis, the “unfailing” novena (as it is often called) offers to all of us the hope of real transformation in our lives, and the promise that we are not alone.

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